- n.普度鹿屬
- So early in the morning, YY and YP traveled down to Pudu Bus Station.
不過,這次有進步,至少還不至于閙得太大。 - Grand, magnificent and modest, the main hall of Pudu Temple claims its uniqueness in Beijing through its distinctive architectural style of Manchu.
普度寺大殿宏偉、壯麗、古樸,專家說,帶有如此鮮明滿族風(fēng)格的建筑在北京是極少見的。 - The outlet, located between the Times Square block on Jalan imbi and Pudu Jail, started business about Two months ago.
靠門處,一張小茶幾和兩張矮圓椅懶躺在一小角落,等待互說悄悄話的小情侶消磨一個晚上。 - I usually go to the Pudu main branch with the perception that the quality would be the best at the main branch.
我家啊,就是它的忠實粉絲,愛極它的蛋撻不用說,還有黑芝麻餅,燒包,雞派和咸蛋酥等。 - Giving the name "honoring brothers" to Taiwan's seventh month Pudu rite has its own special historical background.