- Even in poor countries we can expect low levels of migration if people think that conditions there will improve,” argues Brice Quillin, one of the report's authors.
即使在貧窮的國家如果人們認為本地情況會改善的話,我們也可以看到很少的遷徙人口?!痹搱蟾娴囊晃蛔髡連riceQuilin說。 - “If the typical migrant of the 1990s was a Pole moving to Britain, his successor in the next decade may be a Tajik moving to Poland,” says Mr Quillin.
“如果說典型的90年代遷徙是波蘭人移到英國,下個十年他的繼任者就可能是塔吉克人移民到波蘭,”Quillin說。 返回 Quillin