1. ADJ If you say that something is absurd, you are criticizing it because you think that it is ridiculous or that it does not make sense. 荒謬的[表不滿]
That's absurd. 那是荒謬的。
It's absurd to suggest that they knew what was going on but did nothing. 暗示說他們知道怎么回事但卻袖手旁觀是荒謬的。
2. N-SING The absurd is something that is absurd. 荒謬之事[正式] ['the' N]
Connie had a sharp eye for the absurd. 康妮對荒謬之事有敏銳的眼光。
3. absurdlyADV 荒謬地
Prices were still absurdly low, in his opinion. 在他看來,價格依然低得荒謬。
返回 absurd
absurd /?b?s??d, -?z??d/
- stupid and unreasonable , or silly in a humorous way
- You want Granny to live in the caravan ? That's an absurd suggestion !
- It's just another of those absurd rules imposed upon us by the justice system .
- He's got some absurd idea in his head about building his own house .
- It's absurd to waste your money on a machine you'll never use.
- Blake looked absurd in those tight leather trousers , but I tried not to laugh . 返回 absurd
What an absurd thing to say! 這話多荒唐?。?
Don't be so absurd! Of course I want you to come. 別犯傻!我當然想讓你來。
It's an absurd situation - neither of them will talk to the other. 這情形真是讓人哭笑不得——他們誰也不理睬誰。
Do I look absurd in this hat ? 我戴這頂帽子是不是很滑稽?
?the absurd
things that happen that are stupid or unreasonable
The whole situation borders on the absurd. 整個局面幾乎到了荒誕不經的地步。
She has a keen sense of the absurd. 她對荒誕事物有敏銳的識別能力。