- He replied affably, "And you, my friend, how do you know I am not a fish?
大師和藹地回答:"哦,我的朋友,你又怎么知道我不是魚呢? - He replied affably, "And you, my friend, how do you know I am not a fish? You are not I".
他和藹地回應(yīng)道“那么,你怎么知道我不是魚呢?你又不是我?!保ㄇf子:子非我,安知我不知魚之樂?) - Having puffed a few cigarettes to steel himself—for he was always a man of poise, despite his tormented past—he approached him affably and guided him by the shoulder to his paintings hanging there.
凡納吸了幾口煙讓自己堅強起來——盡管他受過折磨,可他一直是個泰然自若的人——他像走近朋友那樣走近那位獄卒,扶著他的肩膀帶他看自己的畫。 “畫的準(zhǔn)嗎?” - "General Audin says that they do not know who these people are, but if they find them, then they would gladly torture them for you, " the terp said affably, while trying to keep up with the six men who were all speaking to him at once.
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