- But this fear is counterbalanced by new realizations at work and with my friends, in which I am able to frankly avow that I have a disability.
但是這種害怕被我在工作中和與朋友相處中的新認識抵消了。 在其中,我能夠坦率地承認我有疾病。 - On abandoning his grandfather's opinions for the opinions of his father, he had supposed himself fixed; he now suspected, with uneasiness, and without daring to avow it to himself, that he was not.
當他從外祖父的見解轉到父親的見解時,他總以為自己已經站穩(wěn)了,現在卻又懷疑起來,感到自己并不穩(wěn),他心里苦悶,不敢自信。 - But whatever the danger, Christ's followers must avow their principles.
但不論遭何危險, 跟從基督的人必須承認自己的信仰。 - According to President Clinton, they can even publicly avow their homosexuality.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy ‘Horatius’ Nunn: Will Congress Protect U.S. Military From Grievous Harm By Enacting Effective Gay Ban? - Having sat down at the green baize more than once with this gentleman (for such he is), this reviewer can avow that Mr Reese is certainly a leading claimant to that title—but only one among many, and one who has never actually won the world championship held annually in Las Vegas.
ECONOMIST: Gambling - Irish talk radio programs have been afire with discussions about the propiority of making a 66 year-old self-made tycoon of global proportions (Quinn was termed the 164th richest man in the world by Forbes in 2008) a national scapegoat, as a substantial minority of the population (especially those in border counties near his own) and some his former job holders avow.
FORBES: Ireland's Richest Man In Jail: The Collapse Of Celtic Dreams Continues 返回 avow