boot camp
- Increasingly, public-health officials are questioning the value of the so-called boot-camp approach to working out.
公眾健康官員正日益質(zhì)疑所謂訓(xùn)練營對鍛煉的價值。 - If you’ve been trying the boot-camp approach with no success, try resolving to “Go to more movies,” “Entertain more often,” or whatever resolutions you’d find fun to keep.
如果你一直在采取“集訓(xùn)”方式而不見成果,那么試試任何你感到有興趣去遵循的決心,比如”看更多電影“、”更多娛樂“。 - But that overlooks an ingredient in the national motivation that may not spring as much from boot-camp parenting as it does from a pervasive, deeply felt yearning for knowledge.
但這一想法忽視了這一全國性動力的一個要素。 與其說這一要素可能來源于集中營式的家庭教育,不如說它更多地來自于對知識的一種普遍的深深渴望。 - But Haier, using its boot-camp approach, turned the company around without investing a penny of its own cash.
ECONOMIST: China and the chaebol - Executives, meanwhile, admit that the boot-camp approach that serves so well in China may not suit less deferential workers elsewhere.
ECONOMIST: China and the chaebol - He rolled, boot-camp style, a protected ball, in the shelter of a baby grand, from which he eyed the dog with dread.
NEWYORKER: The Yellow 返回 boot camp