1. N-UNCOUNT If you refer to moral or religious statements as cant, you are criticizing them because you think the person making them does not really believe what they are saying. (關于道德或宗教的)偽善說教; 言不由衷[表不滿]
...politicians holding forth with their usual hypocritical cant. ...政客們滔滔不絕地說著那些老套的虛偽空話。
2. N-UNCOUNT inclination from a vertical or horizontal plane; slope; slant 傾斜
3. V to speak in or use cant 講偽善的話
4. V to tip, tilt, or overturn, esp with a sudden jerk 使(尤指猛地)傾斜; 傾覆; 翻轉
5. ADJ oblique; slanting 傾斜的
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