1. ADJ If two people or things are different, they are not like each other in one or more ways. 不同的
London was different from most European capitals. 倫敦與大多數的歐洲首都城市不同。
If he'd attended music school, how might things have been different?
2. ADJ People sometimes say that one thing is different than another. This use is acceptable in American English, but is often considered incorrect in British English. 與…不同的 (美式英語中可用,英式英語常認為是錯的)[v-link ADJ 'than' n/cl]
We're not really any different than they are. 我們與他們其實沒有什么不同。
3. differentlyADV 不同地
Every individual learns differently. 每個人的學習方式都不一樣。
4. ADJ You use different to indicate that you are talking about two or more separate and distinct things of the same kind. 各不相同的[ADJ n]
Different countries specialized in different products. 不同的國家專門生產各不相同的產品。
5. ADJ You can describe something as different when it is unusual and not like others of the same kind. 不尋常的; 與眾不同的[v-link ADJ]
The result is interesting and different, but do not attempt the recipe if time is short. 結果有趣且非同尋常,但如果時間緊張就不要嘗試這個食譜。
返回 different
different /?d?f?r?nt, ?d?fr?nt/
- not the same
- Australia has its own cultural identity , which is very different from that of Britain .
- You turn this dial to find a different radio station .
- We sell 32 different flavours of ice cream .
- Eggs are sorted into different sizes by a machine .
- The word 'flight ' has two different meanings : a plane journey , and the act of running away. 返回 different
She seems to wear something different every day . 她似乎每天都穿不一樣的衣服。
He's different now that he's been to college . 他現(xiàn)在上了大學,與以前不一樣了。
We're reading a different book this week . 這周我們在讀另一本書。
Emily is very/completely /entirely different from her sister . 埃米莉與她姐姐截然不同。
Emily and her sister are completely different. 埃米莉和她姐姐完全不同。
There are many different types /kinds of bacteria . 細菌有很多不同的種類。
used when you think someone or something is unusual or shows bad judgment
What do I think of your purple shoes ? Well, they're certainly different. 我覺得你那雙紫色鞋子怎么樣?當然很另類啦。