dried salted fish
- Salted dried fish and seasonings(12) such as soy sauce may contain similar levels of these chemicals, Mirvish said.
咸魚干和醬油等調(diào)味品也含有差不多濃度的此類化合物。 - Guts, bladders and stomachs of other animals(other than fish), whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked.
www.sme.net.cn - Sharks form a large portion of total Somali fish landings. The fish is not commonly eaten in Somalia, but shark meat is dried and salted for export.
鯊魚佔(zhàn)索國整體漁獲量的大宗,不過索國人民通常不吃鯊魚肉,而是將魚肉乾燥并以鹽巴腌漬后出口外銷。 返回 dried salted fish