- drift aimlessly 〔casually〕 漫無目的地漂流
- drift alternately 有變化地漂流
- drift delightfully 高興地漂流
- drift hopelessly 無希望地漂流
- drift lazily 懶惰地漂流
- drift naturally 自然地堆積
- drift quietly 〔smoothly〕 平靜地漂流
- drift slowly 慢慢地漂流
- drift unconsciously 不自覺地漂流
- drift about in sea 在海中四處漂泊
- drift along 漫無目的地游蕩,迷迷糊糊地過日子
- drift apart 分開,疏遠下去,放任自流
- drift out to sea 漂往大海
- drift before wind (船)隨風漂流
- drift down river 沿河而下
- drift down stream 順流而下
- drift from chimney (煙)從煙囪里飄出來
- drift from one country to another 從一國流浪到另一國
- drift from one subject to another 從一個主題轉到另一個主題
- drift into habit 逐漸染上習慣
- drift into high banks 積成高高的堆
- drift into life of crime 陷入犯罪生涯
- drift through life 隨波逐流,虛度年華
- drift to some subject 轉向某個問題
- drift towards bankruptcy 逐漸走向破產(chǎn)
- drift towards collapse 漸趨崩潰
- drift with 隨…漂流
- drift with current 隨波逐流
- catch 〔get, understand〕 drift 明白要旨
- cultural drift 文化傾向
- the general drift 大的趨勢
- the westward drift 西遷
- cloud drift 浮云
- road drift 路上積起的沙土
- a drift of cloud 〔snow〕 浮云〔積雪〕
- the drift of … 的趨勢
- a drift toward … 的傾向