effective power
- [電] 有效功率
- The US can expect to be the sole superpower for some time yet, if we mean by the term a state capable of deploying effective power almost anywhere in the world.
blog.sina.com.cn - Such a body would need to be universally recognised, subject to international law and “vested with the effective power to ensure security for all, regard for justice and respect for rights.
這樣一個機構需要得到普遍認同,遵守國際法,且“在公正與尊重權利方面,擁有有效的權力,以保障所有國家的安全?!?/li> - Effective power engine the smooth start to accelerate dynamic and excellent low-temperature start motorcyclists and english.
提高發(fā)動機有效功率,起步順暢,加速有勁,低溫啟動性優(yōu)異,令摩托車駕駛輕松自如。 - "we would be forced to buy power that we don't need and idle existing generation or have hydro that is very cost effective -- very cheap,actually -- being replaced by very expensive power."
- A statement issued by the Vatican after the meeting said he prayed with the men and assured them the Church will continue doing all in its power to investigate allegations, to bring to justice those responsible for abuse and to implement effective measures designed to safeguard young people in the future.
- What would happen is that effective power would shift, automatically, to those with some permanence.
ECONOMIST: By invitation - The U.S. may soon be the only effective power in the alliance.
FORBES: NATO's Lack Of Any Serious Purpose Means It Should Retire
- effective mechanical power [機]有效機械效率
- effective e power 有效功率
- effective radiated power 有效輻射功率;[電子]有效輻射功率
- effective acoustic power 有效聲功率
- effective sintering power 有效燒結功率
- 有效功率
- 有效率
- 實效功率