1. ADJ If you describe someone as evasive, you mean that they deliberately avoid giving clear direct answers to questions. 避而不談的
He was evasive about the circumstances of his first meeting with Stanley Dean. 他對與斯坦利·迪安第一次見面的情形避而不談。
2. evasivelyADV 避而不談地[ADV with v]
"Until I can speak to your husband I can't come to any conclusion about that," Manuel said evasively. “關于那件事情我要跟你丈夫談了之后才能作出結論,”曼紐爾托辭說。
3. PHRASE If you take evasive action, you deliberately move away from someone or something in order to avoid meeting them or being hit by them. 采取退避行動
At least four high-flying warplanes had to take evasive action. 至少有4架高空飛行戰(zhàn)機不得不采取退避行動。
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evasive /??ve?s?v/
- answering questions in a way that is not direct or clear , especially because you do not want to give an honest answer
The Minister was her usual evasive self , skilfully dodging reporters ' questions about her possible resignation . 部長還是保持她顧左右而言他的一貫風格,當記者問及她是否可能辭職時,她駕輕就熟地避而不答。
done to avoid something bad happening
By the time the pilot realized how close the plane was to the building , it was too late to take evasive action . 當飛行員意識到飛機與大樓非常接近時,已經(jīng)來不及采取任何規(guī)避措施了。
Drivers had to make sudden evasive manoeuvres . 駕駛員必須做出突然的閃避動作。 返回 evasive