- That the accused, feloniously, treasonously and with malice aforethought, continues as a member in the said illegal organization. 4.
這是蓄意的行為,奸詐且罪大惡極。4,被告曾以合理懲罰為借口,多次動(dòng)用私刑折磨他討厭的未成年人。 - If Jones had feloniously administered arsenic to his wife, it seemed clear that it could not have been done in any of the things eaten at supper, as all three persons had partaken of the meal.
如果瓊斯慘忍的毒死了他的妻子,當(dāng)三個(gè)共同享用晚餐時(shí),那些食物看起來似乎沒有任何的問題。 返回 feloniously