1. V-T/V-I If people or animals gnaw something or gnaw at it, they bite it repeatedly. 反復嚙咬
Woodlice attack living plants and gnaw at the stems. 木虱會侵襲活體植物并不停地嚙咬它們的莖。
2. V-I If a feeling or thought gnaws at you, it causes you to keep worrying. 困擾[書面]
...the nagging disquiet that had gnawed at him for days. …困擾了他數(shù)日、令他不得安寧的憂慮。
返回 gnaw
gnaw /n??/ (gnawing,gnawed,gnaws)
gnaw verb [I + prep, T] (BITE)
to bite or chew something repeatedly , usually making a hole in it or gradually destroying it
Babies like to gnaw hard objects when they're teething . 嬰兒在長牙時喜歡啃咬硬物。
A dog lay under the table , gnawing on a bone . 一條狗趴在桌下啃骨頭。
gnaw verb [I + prep, T] (FEEL WORRIED)
to make you feel worried or uncomfortable
I've been gnawed by guilt about not replying to her letter yet . 我到現(xiàn)在還沒有回她的信,心里一直感到很內疚。
The feeling that I've forgotten something has been gnawing at me all day . 我一整天都坐立不安,老感覺忘了什么事情。