- It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel stained, composedly carrying his gripsack and umbrella.
進 來 的 是 布 雷 特 利 · 馬 拉 德 , 有 點 風 塵 仆 仆 的 樣 子 , 從 容 地 拎 著 手 提 包 和 雨 傘 。 - It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his gripsack and umbrella.
走進來的正是布倫特·馬蘭德,看上去風塵仆仆,漫不經心的拎著他的旅行袋跟雨傘。 - It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel stained, composedly carrying his gripsack and umbrella
進來的是布雷特利·馬拉德,有點風塵仆仆的樣子,從容地拎著手提包和雨傘。 返回 gripsack