- Famous British generals, such as Lord Kitchener and Lord Baden-Powell preferred the lightweight cotton of trench coats to the heavier, rubberised Macintoshes they had been used to.
比起他們?cè)?jīng)習(xí)慣的更為笨重的膠布雨衣,那些著名的英國(guó)軍官們,如基欽納勛爵和巴登–鮑威爾勛爵,更偏愛這種風(fēng)雨衣的輕便棉質(zhì)布料。 - In the same article, Karon Kitchener explained that an injectable water-based filler treatment she had to enhance her cheeks had left her with "a moving layer of custard under the skin.
在同一篇文章里,卡隆基奇納說(shuō),她進(jìn)行了可注射水基填料治療,然后發(fā)現(xiàn)“皮膚下有一層移動(dòng)的蛋糕狀硬塊。 - According to Canada's Record, when Bieber arrived at the Fairview Park Mall in Kitchener, Ontario, the day after Christmas, he couldn't fly under the radar while trying to shop.
根據(jù)加拿大的官方記錄,當(dāng)賈斯丁·比伯來(lái)到安大略省基奇納市的錦繡花園商場(chǎng)時(shí),他基本上已經(jīng)插翅難飛了。 - Lord Kitchener, the British commander, systematically burned Boer farms, criss-crossed the country with barbed wire, and forced Boer women and children into concentration camps.
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