- The book was a paean to the old agrarian values which, he claimed, were part of Norway’s soul.
這本書是對舊時土地價值觀的頌揚,哈姆生聲稱后者是挪威精髓的一部分。 - The book was a paean to the old agrarian values which, he claimed, were part of Norway’s soul. At the same time, he acknowledged that there was no going back.
該作是他對舊時農(nóng)耕時期價值的贊譽,他認為農(nóng)耕時期是挪威靈魂的一部分,同時他也意識到舊歲已逝,無法再回頭了。 - The book’s subtitle is the less engaging “A Study of Economics as if People Mattered”, but it is more true to its content. For the book is not a paean to smallness.
書的副標題——“一本把人當回事的經(jīng)濟學研究”雖然沒有那么引人注目,但是更貼近文章的內(nèi)容,因為這本書不是贊美小的事物的。 - He used his speech at the event to deliver a paean to minority enterprise.
ECONOMIST: The ethnic vote - Part memoir, part paean to her departed other half, the book begins and ends with recollections of losing Robert.
FORBES: Patti Smith Says Goodbye - Mr Smith has written an unapologetic paean, not to any particular city but to the urban idea in general.
ECONOMIST: Welcome to a world of high living 返回 paean