相關單詞近義詞 beauty 美人, cracker 薄脆餅干, dilly 極好的東西, honey 蜂蜜, humdinger 極好的人或事..., jim-dandy 出色人物, pearl 珍珠, wow 巨大的成功, dish 盤, mantrap (給入侵私人領地者設的)..., tattle 閑談, apricot 杏子, peach tree 桃樹, sing 唱, babble 含糊不清地說..., looker 觀看的人, Prunus persica 桃樹, blab 泄密, let the cat out of the bag 泄露秘密, ravisher ravish的名詞形式..., talk 交談, stunner 使人暈倒之物..., lulu 卓越的人, sweetheart 心上人, knockout 引人注目的..., salmon pink 橙紅色, 淺橙色..., spill the beans 泄露秘密, smasher 打碎者臨近詞peachy, peaceful, Peachia, Peachey, Peacham, peach on, peachick, Peachell, peachful, peach gum, peachblow, Peach bud 返回 peaching