- A movement with hurried, unlevel or irregular steps, without cadence or spring cannot be called a true piaffe.
動作慌忙,不對稱或者運步不規(guī)則,沒有節(jié)奏感或是沒有彈性,都不能算是真正的原地踏步。 - Piaffe must always be animated by a lively impulsion and characterised by a perfect balance.
原地踏步必須始終有活躍的前進(jìn)氣勢,以及完美的平衡的特點。 - The demanding movements of piaffe and passage were included and the Grand Prix test, as it is performed today, was already taking shape.
馬匹原地踏步和正步都是要求動作,而大獎賽,正如今天所表演的一樣,也已經(jīng)開始成形。 - Pirouettes (half-pirouettes) are usually carried out at collected walk or canter, but can also be executed at piaffe.
定后肢?旋(定后肢半?旋)通常用縮短慢步或跑步來做,也可以用原地踏步來做。 - Piaffe is a highly collected, cadenced, elevated diagonal movement giving the impression of being in place.
原地踏步是高度收縮,節(jié)奏明顯,對角肢高抬,原地進(jìn)行的的動作。 - Piaffe is a highly collected, cadenced, elevated diagonal movement giving the impression of remaining in place.
原地踏步是高度收縮、富有彈力、對角肢高抬、原地進(jìn)行的的動作。 返回 piaffing