racism and inequality
- Similarly, he says blithely that “in order to combat poverty and inequality, it is also essential to combat racism and intolerance.”
與此相似的是,他還以輕快的口吻說道,“為了消除貧窮和不平等,與種族主義和狹隘思維作斗爭也很重要。” - Robert Frank showed the effects of racism, social inequality and poverty.
- Talk show hosts and conservative commentators built entire careers unmasking bogus claims of racism while dismissing legitimate discussions of racial injustice and inequality as mere political correctness or reverse racism.
NPR: Obama And The Politics Of Being Biracial - We engaged in national handwringing about income inequality and institutionalized racism.
FORBES: Forget About The Elections, What Does Hurricane Sandy Reveal About Us? - We cannot effectively help survivors to heal or implement transformative violence prevention campaigns if we do not illuminate a whole spectrum discrimination issues, including racism, economic inequality, gender bias and heterosexist assumptions.
FORBES: Black Women, Sexual Assault and the Art of Resistance 返回 racism and inequality