- The young man looked at her as if he expected that she would weep or swoon.
那年輕人看著她,好象他預料到她會哭泣或暈倒。 - All the girls are swooning over the new maths teacher.
所有的女同學都迷上了那位新來的數(shù)學教師。 - The young girls swooned when they saw their favorite pop singer.
年輕的女孩子們一看見她們最喜歡的流行歌星就神魂顛倒起來。 - Her fright and concern sunk her down in a deep swoon.
恐懼和擔心使她昏厥在地。 - Did you fall into a swoon after that?
你受傷時暈倒了嗎? - Near to me lay Leo, still lost in a swoon.
我旁邊躺著昏迷不醒的利奧。 返回 swooned