- And the tussock-grass steppe is the most typical.
其中叢生禾草草原最具代表性。 - But in the south, the windswept uplands studded with tussock which ascend slowly into the foothills of the Andes, the endless plains of Patagonia, attracted more than their share of English.
但在南部,勁風吹過的高地布滿緩緩向上延伸到安第斯山麓的草叢,還有那遼闊的巴塔哥尼亞平原,吸引了大批英國血統(tǒng)的移民在此駐足。 - He hid inside a tussock of oat grass and watched as the fine thatched house rose up beside the water-hole.
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