相關(guān)單詞近義詞 tired 疲倦的, tire 輪胎, beat 打, tired out 非常疲倦, all in 精疲力盡, disillusioned 不再抱幻想的..., disenchanted 不再抱幻想的..., jaded 疲倦不堪的, fed up annoyed, unh..., drain 排出, sap 樹液, exhaust 使筋疲力盡, fatigued 疲乏的, listless 無精打采的, lethargic 昏睡的, faint 微弱的, weak 弱的, sluggish 緩慢的, fag (尤英)苦工..., tiresome 令人厭倦的, oppress 使煩惱, sleepy 欲睡的, languish 衰弱無力, bored 無聊的, exhausted 用完的, labor 工人, fatigue 疲勞, jade 玉石, outwear 穿舊, wear down 使磨損, 使厭倦..., pall 遮蓋物, fag out 使極度疲勞, 使累壞, 使極..., aweary 疲倦的, tire out 使筋疲力盡, wear out 穿破, wear 磨損臨近詞weasel, wear, weary of, weary out, weary work, weary willie, Weary toiling, weary machine, Weary feeling, Weary movement, weary to death, weary of jokes 返回 weariest