without a shadow of doubt
- 毫不懷疑地
- 絕對可靠
- Know without a shadow of doubt that when there is upheaval around you that means the light is shining bright within you.
jaredtoezez2.blog.163.com - Without a shadow of a doubt the present recession the world is going through right now could have been predicted as early as 2007.
毫無疑問,現在全球所面臨的經濟衰退早在2007年初就可以預料得到。 - When CNN showed the DNA results to victim Baltazar's stepmother, Sheila Baltazar, she said, "Without a shadow of a doubt, I really in my heart believe Wayne Williams killed Patrick Baltazar."
當CNN記者向受害者巴爾塔薩的繼母希拉?巴爾塔薩出示DNA檢測結果時,她說,“毫無疑問,我確信是威廉姆斯殺死了巴爾塔薩。” - And security is also another field for cooperation, without a shadow of a doubt.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama’s Bilateral Meeting with President Rousseff of Brazil The White House - And Cannabis is, without a shadow of a doubt, a much safer choice than alcohol or hard drugs!
FORBES: Facebook Billionaire Explains Why He Backs Prop 19