- n.葉尼塞語
- DBS BANK PTE LTD....check out my eNETS fiasco I LOST S$200K and ABOVE!!!!!Am waiting for my Meet The People Session result...hope all I have is hope.Thank GOD for these people!Anyone can help me???
呢班所謂苦主計我話就抵能死既,皆因當(dāng)日貪高利息而忽略債券既潛藏風(fēng)險,做生意都冇話賺梗何放借錢更冇話一定收得番,冇事果時賺到錢又唔見呢班所謂苦主同社會大眾分享財富依家出咗事仲厚顏無恥想咁揾政府?dāng)z枱腳,呢班所謂苦主輸打贏要有該死冇可憐。 - Splinter Cell: Double Agent Review -- eNet
分裂細胞:雙重間諜評測 - “Exploit,enterprising and innovate”is our enet,“develop together, actualize two win”isour aim.We bona fides hope sensible you become our commerce comates, have a good future!