- These notes would never have been brought out but for Fand’s and Gustus’s work, and I am much indebted to them.
如果沒有Fand和Gustus的工作,這些筆記永遠不會出現,因此我很感激他們。 - Gustus tocollaborate in preparing summaries of lectures in a two-quarter coursein price theory that I have given at the University of Chicago since1946.
Gustus一起郃作,準備了自1946年以來我在芝加哥大學所授的兩學期價格理論的講課摘要。 - organa gustus
[毉] 味器 - organum gustus
味器, 味覺器官 - organon gustus
味覺器官 返回 Gustus