- I went onb computer training coure in the nineteen eighties.
我在八十年代進過計算機培訓班。 - I can give you a definite answer onb the price terms.
我可以就價格條件答複你方。 - We must insist onb mmediate delivery, otherwise we shall be compelleto cancel the order.
我們堅決要求立即發(fā)貨,否則我方將被迫取消訂單。 - The results indicate that the fuzzy mathematics method can be used to more accurately analyze ONB data for subcooled boiling in natural circulation.
結果表明,模糊數(shù)學的應用使自然循環(huán)欠熱沸騰起始點分析得到一種符郃實際和較爲準確的描述,該方法是一種有前途的可開發(fā)數(shù)學方法。 - The judgments for the Onset of Nucleate Boiling (ONB) and Departure of Nucleate Boiling (DNB) in mean channel and hot channel were supplied in two codes.
兩個程序中均提供了平均琯及熱琯相應的過冷沸騰起始點(ONB)和偏離泡核沸騰(DNB)的判據和過冷沸騰裕度計算。 - Thisls a claim onb shortweight.
這是短重索賠。 返回 ONB