- great abhorrence 極其厭惡
- professed abhorrence 公開表示的厭惡
- uncontrollable abhorrence 難以尅制的憎惡
- abhorrence at 厭惡…
- abhorrence of 痛恨
- abhorrence of flattery 憎惡諂媚
- abhorrence of ingratitude 憎惡忘恩負義
- abhorrence for 厭惡…,對…深惡痛絕
- abhorrence to sb 's feeling 某人深惡痛絕的事
- in abhorrence 厭惡地
- with abhorrence 厭惡地
- abhorrence e 憎惡;痛恨
- racial abhorrence 繙譯
- abhorrence detail 憎恨不止
- Obscure Abhorrence 出版者
- abhorrence N 討厭
- beefid abhorrence 質粒不相容性 返回 abhorrence