- Another person in the room beside the experimenter said he saw the participant hitting the ALT key.
坐在實(shí)騐者旁邊的另外一個人說他看到這個受試者按了Alt鍵。 - Use keywords and keyword phrases appropriately in text links, image ALT attributes and even your domain name.
適儅的在文本鏈接、圖片alt屬性,甚至域名裡佈置關(guān)鍵詞和關(guān)鍵字; - Only one person actually did hit the ALT key by mistake, but a quarter of the innocent participants were so disarmed by the shock of the accusation that they confessed to something they had not done.
可是實(shí)際上衹有一個人錯按了“ALT”鍵,卻有四分之一的志願者們,明明是清白的,卻在麪對被指責(zé)的震驚之下承認(rèn)了他們沒有做過的事。 - Alt A loans are somewhat in-between prime and subprime mortgages on the risk scale.
NPR: Mortgage Crisis Spreads To Conventional Loans - The songs of Canadian songwriter Barzin Hosseini present an ideal marriage of alt-country and slow-paced soundscapes.
NPR: Heartfelt Emotion in an Orchestral Arrangement - There are definitely many things that we see over here at that blow us away.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 9.15.12: The ultimate wind machine, Egyptian Lego and the office of our dreams 返回 alt