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- Et Mey.[Anchusa tenella Hornem.;Bothriosper-mum asperugoides Sieb.
拉丁植物動物鑛物名:Bothriospermum tenellum Fisch. - Any of various hairy plants of the Eurasian genus Anchusa, having blue or violet flowers grouped on elongated cymes.
牛舌草歐亞牛舌草屬多種毛狀植物的任一種,其藍(lán)色或紫色的花朵聚集於細(xì)長的聚繖花序上 - Objective:To optimize the extraction process of total flavonoids in Anchusa italica Retiz.
目的:研究維吾爾葯牛舌草中縂黃酮的最佳提取工藝。 - Any of several usually hairy Old World plants, especially in the genera Anchusa, Brunnera, and Echium, having blue or violet flowers.
牛舌草一種多毛的東半球植物,尤指牛舌草屬和藍(lán)薊屬,有藍(lán)色或紫色的花 - any of various hairy plants of the Eurasian genus Anchusa,having blue or violet flowers grouped on elongated cymes