- bathe a feet 洗腳
- bathe a wound 清洗傷口
- bathe one 's eyes 洗眼睛
- bathe the baby 給嬰孩洗澡
- bathe daily 每天洗澡
- bathe actually 實(shí)際地洗澡
- bathe comfortingly 舒舒服服地洗澡
- bathe refreshingly 使人耳目一新地洗澡
- bathe regularly 經(jīng)常洗澡
- bathe thoroughly 徹底地洗澡
- bathe in cold water 洗冷水浴
- bathe in moonlight 沐浴在月光中
- bathe in tears 淚流滿麪
- bathe oneself in water 把自己浸在水裡
- go for a bathe 去遊泳
- have a bathe 遊泳
- take a bathe 遊泳