- Simple ovary,the placentation is brink.The ovules are campylotropous.The ovule is bitegmic and crassinucellate.
矮沙鼕青子房單心皮1室,邊緣胎座,彎生胚珠,胚珠具雙珠被、厚珠心。 - Simple ovary, the placentation is brink.The ovules are campylotropous.The ovule is bitegmic and crassinucellate.The megaspore archesporium is initiated from sub-epidermis of nucellus.
摘要矮沙鼕青子房單心皮1室,邊緣胎座,彎生胚珠,胚珠具雙珠被、厚珠心。 - ovule solitary, basilateral, hemitropous, bitegmic;
胚珠單生,基側(cè),橫生,雙珠被; - ovules 2 per locule, pendent, anatropous, bitegmic, crassinucellar;
胚珠每室2,下垂,倒生,具雙珠被,具厚珠心; 返回 bitegmic