- climb a ladder 爬梯子
- climb a mast 爬桅桿
- climb a wall 爬牆
- climb hill 爬山
- climb mountain 登山
- climb steep 登上峭壁
- climb the rigging 發(fā)脾氣
- climb the stairs 爬樓梯
- climb trail 攀登山間小道
- climb tree 爬上樹
- climb aboard 上車
- climb conveniently 方便地攀登
- climb socially 身價提高
- climb wearily 疲勞地攀爬
- climb down 爬下來,退下來,斷唸頭,讓步,屈服
- climb across the roof 爬過屋頂
- climb at the rate of ... 以…的速度爬
- climb down a ladder (爬)下梯子
- climb down a wall 爬下牆
- climb from poverty to wealth 由窮變富
- climb in a zigzag fashion 做之字形攀登
- climb into leadership 爬上領導的地位
- climb into one 's overalls 匆忙地穿上工作服
- climb into society 進入社會
- climb into the car 爬進汽車
- climb into the chairmanship 陞到主蓆的職位
- climb into the fame 爬到有聲望的地位
- climb into the square 登上拳擊臺開始比賽
- climb into the upper bunk 爬到上鋪去
- climb on a table 爬上桌子
- climb on frames 攀緣架子曏上攀登
- climb on the band wagon 加入轟轟烈烈的運動,和群衆(zhòng)共同行動
- climb onto sb 's shoulders 爬上某人的肩膀
- climb out of a jeep 從吉普車裡出來
- climb out of one 's overalls 匆忙地脫下工作服
- climb out of the cockpit 爬出座艙
- climb over 繙過,爬越過
- climb over a fence 爬過籬笆
- climb over a wall 爬過牆
- climb through a window 從窗口爬進去
- climb to a height (飛機)爬陞到一定高度
- climb to a high rank 爬上高級職位
- climb to power 爬到掌權地位,掌權
- climb to success 發(fā)跡
- climb to the top of ... 爬到…的頂上
- climb up 攀登上,冒險爬
- climb up a mountain 登山
- climb up the bank 爬上岸
- climb up a wall 爬上牆
- climb up the stairs 爬樓梯
- climb up the tree 爬上樹
- do 〔make〕 a difficult climb 做一次艱難的攀登
- easy climb 容易攀登
- hard climb 艱難攀登
- long climb 長途攀登
- uphill climb 爬坡攀登
- careerist on the climb 曏上爬的野心家
- climb in the mountains 在山中攀登
- climb to fame and fortune 對名利的追逐
- climb to the mountains 爬上山頂