1. ADJ If you describe something as crap, you think that it is wrong or of very poor quality. 狗屎不如的[非正式,粗話]
She later said the book was "crap."
2. N-UNCOUNT Crap is also a noun. 狗屁東西
It is a tedious, humourless load of crap. 這簡直就是一堆乏味、無趣的臭狗屎。
3. N-UNCOUNT Crap is sometimes used to refer to faeces. 屎[非正式,粗話]
I look down and I'm standing next to a pile of crap!
4. N-UNCOUNT Craps or crap is a gambling game, played mainly in North America, in which you throw two dice and bet what the total will be. 雙骰賭博
I'll shoot some craps or play some blackjack. 我要擲幾把雙骰子或玩幾把二十一點紙牌。
5. V →another word for defecate
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crap /kr?p/
crap noun (SOLID WASTE)
[ 單數名詞 or 不可數或單數名詞:沒有複數形式的名詞 ] UK offensivesolid waste , or an occasion when an animal or person produces solid waste
I stepped in a pile of crap. 我踩上了一攤屎。
to have (US take) a crap 拉屎
crap noun (BAD QUALITY)
[ 不可數或單數名詞:沒有複數形式的名詞 ] UKsomething that is not worth anything, not useful , nonsense , or of bad quality
I can't believe she's trying to pass off this crap as art ! 我簡直不敢相信她想拿這個破玩意兒冒充藝術品!
I've only read one novel by him and it was a load of crap. 我衹讀過他的一部小說,簡直是一堆垃圾。
crap noun (GAME)
?craps [ 不可數或單數名詞:沒有複數形式的名詞 ] US (also crap)a game played with dice for money
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