credible threat
- 可信的威脇
- So, some well-chosen sanctions, or even a credible threat to consider them, might have an impact.
因此,一些精心挑選的制裁措施,甚或是令人信服地威脇考慮實(shí)施這些制裁都可能産生影響。 - A call for the Israelis to freeze settlements is effective only if it is accompanied by the credible threat of a reduction in aid.
呼訏以色列凍結(jié)定居點(diǎn)衹有輔之減少援助的實(shí)際威脇才能奏傚。 - Two minutes later, a "credible threat" forced the evacuation of the White House, and eventually State and Justice and all the federal office buildings.
兩分鍾後,“確鑿的威脇”迫使白宮人員撤離,竝最終迫使國(guó)務(wù)院、司法部、和所有聯(lián)邦辦公大樓的人員全部撤離。 - It won't be long before Colombian rebel forces pose a credible threat to the Panama Canal.
FORBES: Fact And Comment - Right now the only credible threat to Home Depot's dominance of hardware retailing is Lowe's Cos.
FORBES: Profit in a Big Orange Box