1. ADJ If someone's behaviour or action is foolish, it is not sensible and shows a lack of good judgment. 愚蠢的
It would be foolish to raise hopes unnecessarily. 無緣無故地寄托希望是愚蠢的。
2. foolishlyADV 愚蠢地
He admitted that he had acted foolishly. 他承認自己做得很愚蠢。
3. ADJ If you look or feel foolish, you look or feel so silly or ridiculous that people are likely to laugh at you. 傻乎乎的
I just stood there feeling foolish and watching him. 我就傻乎乎地站在那兒看著他。
4. foolishlyADV 傻乎乎地[ADV after v]
He saw me standing there, grinning foolishly at him. 他看到我站在那兒咧著嘴朝他傻乎乎地笑。
返回 foolish
foolish /?fu?l??/
- unwise , stupid , or not showing good judgment
- I felt very foolish standing there with only one shoe on.
- You were very foolish to go out in a boat in weather like this.
- It would be foolish to give up your job when you haven't got any other source of income .
- I was foolish to buy such an expensive piece of equipment without checking that we really needed it.
- He made a foolish bet with his brother and now he has to pay up. 返回 foolish
That was a rather foolish thing to do. 做那樣的事可真是蠢。
She was afraid that she would look foolish if she refused . 她怕如果拒絕會使自己看起來像個傻瓜。
It was foolish of them to pay so much. 他們花了這麼多錢,真傻。