1. V-T/V-I If something such as cloth or rope frays, or if something frays it, its threads or fibres start to come apart from each other and spoil its appearance. 磨損
The fabric is very fine or frays easily. 這種佈料很細,或者說是容易磨損。
The stitching had begun to fray at the edges. 邊緣処的針腳已經開始磨損了。
2. V-T/V-I If your nerves or your temper fray, or if something frays them, you become nervous or easily annoyed because of mental strain and anxiety. 煩躁
Tempers began to fray as the two teams failed to score. 兩隊都沒有得分,人們開始煩躁起來。
3. N a noisy quarrel 大聲爭論
4. N a fight or brawl 打架; 爭吵
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fray /fre?/ (fraying,frayed,frays)
frayed adjective (CLOTH)
with the threads at the edge coming loose
frayed cuffs 磨損的袖口
frayed adjective (ANNOYED)
used to describe someone's mood when they are feeling worried , upset , or annoyed
The whole experience left me with frayed nerves (= feeling worried ). 整件事令我感到非常焦慮。 返回 frayed