- Emails can be deleted and ignored while a conference call puts one at the mercy of people gabbling away interminably at what is often an unsociable hour.
人們可以刪除或忽略電子郵件,而電話會議中你得聽有些人喋喋不休說個沒完,在這一個小時中你也往往沒法去跟人結交。 - For the same reason, writers talk interminably about their own books, winkling out hidden meanings, super-imposing new ones, begging response from those around them.
由於這個原因,作家喋喋不休地談論自己的書,挖掘其隱晦的含義,詢問周圍人的反應。 - Trains, of course, take an interminably long time to stop, and legend has it that several disastrous collisions happened after an engineer mistook stars in the night horizon for an all-clear.
儅然,火車停下來需要非常長的時間,據說由於一名工程師將夜晚天空中的星星誤認爲全線通行的信號燈,導致了若乾起災難性事故的發(fā)生。 - By contrast, the real fight between the two countries, over Kashmir, seems to drag on interminably.
ECONOMIST: Pakistan and India - These are subjects that have been batted about interminably and should have been settled last year.
ECONOMIST: A Middle Eastern time-out? - Some claims moulder for months, and a series of appeal mechanisms can extend the process almost interminably.
ECONOMIST: Unbolting the stable door 返回 interminably