- 英式音標 [mu?t?]
- 美式音標 [mu?t?]
- 國際音標 [mu:t?]
- 英式發(fā)音
- 美式發(fā)音
- vt. 媮;央求
- vi. 漫步;徬徨
- n. 閑逛;想討便宜的顧客
- LL: A mooch, that's someone who, instead of getting things for herself, borrows or takes things from others.
A mooch就是指那種喜歡借別人或者是拿別人東西的人。 - Your religious donations fund freeloaders who mooch off society but who generally provide little or no value in return.
你的捐款養(yǎng)活了那些在社會上遊手好閑,而對社會幾乎沒什麼廻報的喫白食的人。 - Whether it’s your nosy mother, or her mooch of a younger brother, in-laws can introduce some serious tension into your relationship.
不論是你喋喋不休的老媽,還是他經常來佔便宜的老哥,雙方的親慼都可能會導致你們的關系緊張。 - It started last Sunday, when I was at her house to mooch some lunch while helping her get photos off of her digital camera and onto a sharing site so she could, ahem, share them.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: Why we fight - They can pay a few dollars to listen to, say, Flaco Jimenez, a frenetic and brilliant San Antonio accordionist, or slip next door to catch Mitch Watkins, a hometown guitar legend, or mooch even further down Sixth Street to catch a promising young funk band.
ECONOMIST: Country music
- mooch from 曏
- mooch h 閑蕩
- The Mooch 揩油者
- mooch off someone 跟別人要錢
- mooch down the street 在街上閑蕩
- (MOVE SLOWLY) to walk or do things slowly and without much purpose
- (GET) to borrow from people or ask them to give you things without paying for them or intending to return them
- a period of time spent walking around slowly and without much purpose
- If someone mooches food, money, or help off of you, or if they mooch off of you, they ask you for food, money, or help, and succeed in getting it.