offer to sell
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- Some degreemills blatantly offer to sell a degree and perhaps a transcript from alegitimate school.
一些“學位作坊”明目張膽地出售學位,甚至出售來自正槼大學的文憑。 - Disclaimer: The information presented is not to be construed as an offer to sell, nor a solicitation of an offer to purchase, anything referred to herein or otherwise.
免責聲明: 本文件或其他文件提供的相關信息不能被銷售或購買。 - Be careful of salesmen who call on the phone and offer to sell you land on the beach down in Florida. You can lose your shirt because the chances are the land is under water at high tide.
這句話的意思是:“對那些通過電話來鼓動你買弗羅裡達州靠海濱的土地的推銷員,你得十分小心。你要不小心就有可能會損失一切,因爲這些地很可能就是那些在漲潮的時候會被水淹沒的地。” - Milena ignored his warnings, just as she ignored his offer to sell her a large chest of drawers.
NEWYORKER: Luda and Milena - Of course there are risks: charlatans might offer to sell bogus treatments for all kinds of genetic conditions, for example.
FORBES: Gene Tests For Everyone - It's whether the government should offer to sell you a health insurance.
NPR: Obama Pitches Health Care Overhaul In Wisconsin
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