1. V-T If you are pinioned, someone prevents you from moving or escaping, especially by holding or tying your arms. 控制兩臂(以防移動或掙脫)
At nine the next morning Bentley was pinioned, hooded, and hanged. 第二天早上九點,班特力被綁住兩臂、頭被罩住,然後被絞死。
2. N a cogwheel that engages with a larger wheel or rack, which it drives or by which it is driven 小齒輪
3. N a bird's wing 鳥翼[POETIC]
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pinion /?p?nj?n/ (pinioning,pinioned,pinions)
- to hold someone, especially by the arms , to prevent them from moving
He was pinioned to the wall by two men while another one repeatedly punched him. 他被兩個男人抓著胳膊摁在牆上,另外一個人不停地揮拳揍他。 返回 pinion