1. N-COUNT A quarrel is an angry argument between two or more friends or family members. 爭吵
I had a terrible quarrel with my other brothers. 我和其他幾個兄弟大吵了一架。
2. V-RECIP When two or more people quarrel, they have an angry argument. 爭論
At one point we quarrelled, over something silly. 有一次,我們爲了一件愚蠢的事爭論起來。
3. N-SING If you say that you have no quarrel with someone or something, you mean that you do not disagree with them. 分歧
We have no quarrel with the people of Spain or of any other country. 我們和西班牙人民或其它任何國家的人民都沒有分歧。
4. N-COUNT Quarrels between countries or groups of people are disagreements, which may be diplomatic or include fighting. 爭耑[journalism]
New Zealand's quarrel with France over the Rainbow Warrior incident was formally ended. 新西蘭和法國之間關於“彩虹勇士號”事件的爭耑已經正式了結。
5. N an arrow having a four-edged head, fired from a crossbow (用弩射出的)箭頭上有四條刀口的箭
返回 quarrel
quarrel /?kw?r?l/ (quarreling,quarreled,quarrels)
- an angry disagreement between two or more people or groups
- Don't let one little quarrel come between you.
- Eventually, the duelling politicians agreed to end their quarrel.
- She's always raking up that old quarrel.
- They had a quarrel last night and now they're not on speaking terms with each other. 返回 quarrel
They had a bitter quarrel about/over some money three years ago and they haven't spoken to each other since. 他們3年前因爲錢的問題有過一次激烈爭吵,從此以後就互不理睬了。
We have no quarrel with the people of your country (= we have no reason to disagree with or dislike them). 我們沒有理由對貴國人民不滿。
They seem to have patched up their quarrel (= finished their disagreement and started to be friendly ). 他們似乎在爭吵後重歸於好了。