- 英式音標 ['reb(?)l]
- 美式音標 [ r??b?l]
- 國際音標 ['reb?l, ri'bel]
- 英式發(fā)音
- 美式發(fā)音
- n. 反叛者,叛徒;叛逆者;反抗權威者
- v. 反叛,反抗,造反;抗命;不接受,不聽使喚
- adj. 反抗的;造反的
- n. (Rebel) (美、德、荷、法、俄)勒貝爾(人名)
- re(一再) + bel(=bell,戰(zhàn)爭)→一再挑起戰(zhàn)爭→反叛
- adj性質的同根詞
- rebellious:反抗的;造反的;難控制的。
- adv性質的同根詞
- rebelliously:難以控制地;造反地。
- n性質的同根詞
- rebellion:叛亂;反抗;謀反;不服從。
- rebelliousness:造反;判逆性;難以控制。
- rebel的基本意思是用武力反抗權威、政權、既定秩序等,企圖把它們推繙,這個詞的貶褒要看說者的立場。引申可表示對事物心生“嫌惡,反感”。
- rebel衹用作不及物動詞,常接against表示“反對,反抗”; 接介詞at表示“對…産生對抗情緒”。
v. (動詞)
- rebel blindly 盲目地反抗
- rebel hopelessly 沒有希望地反抗
- rebel mutely 默默地反抗
- rebel against sth 反對某事
- rebel against the government 反叛政府
- rebel against too much homework 強烈反對家庭作業(yè)過多
用作動詞 (v.)
- a person who is opposed to the political system in their country and tries to change it using force
- to fight against the government
- rblrbl
- Politicians who oppose some of their own party's policies can be referred to as rebels.
- If politicians rebel against one of their own party's policies, they show that they oppose it.
- You can say that someone is a rebel if you think that they behave differently from other people and have rejected the values of society or of their parents.
- When someone rebels, they start to behave differently from other people and reject the values of society or of their parents.
- 反叛
Chapter one mainly discusses Sarah’s distinctive appearance and demeanor through her dress, discourse and thoughts, and also her constants fighting with the Victorian social supremacy, which totally shows she is a rebel in her time.
第一章,通過描述薩拉與衆(zhòng)不同的行爲和擧止,她與維多利亞社會權勢堅持不懈的鬭爭,反映了薩拉是維多利亞傳統(tǒng)和習俗的反叛者。 - 叛逆者
In conclusion, Sarah is a rebel in era that she lives in. She is a typical representative who is pursuing self-liberation in early age.
- 反叛
Post-modernistic advertisement arises because the concept of advertising design keeps pace with the times. That bold rebel and innovation has certain social significance.
- 叛亂
In view of rebel’s failing, and Indonesian Army showed anti-communist sign to the United States, Eisenhower Administration began to encourage the compromise between the Central Government and rebel.
- 反抗
- 造反