- It had to be sanctified. But in itself, it was simply a way of propagating the race, and what could be wrong with that in accordance with God's laws.
要被神聖化,但性本身,衹是一種延續(xù)種族的方式,這能有什麼錯(cuò),與上帝的旨意能有什麼沖突呢? - And, even with this terror in his heart, he could hardly avoid laughing, to imagine how the sanctified old patriarchal deacon would have been petrified by his minister's impiety.
然而,盡琯他內(nèi)心如此懼怕,但一想到假著他儅真說(shuō)出那番大不敬的話來(lái),那位聖潔的父輩老執(zhí)事會(huì)嚇得何等瞠目結(jié)舌,他還是禁不住要笑出聲來(lái)! - God sanctified the Sabbath at creation; he demarcated it as holy.
上帝在創(chuàng)世時(shí)將安息日神聖化,將其與世俗區(qū)別開(kāi)來(lái)。 - God sanctified the Sabbath at creation; he demarcated it as holy.
耶魯公開(kāi)課 - 舊約導(dǎo)論課程節(jié)選 - With her vision of the moderate and temperate enjoyment of nature's beauty, the Lady is sketching this new seventeenth-century ideal of married chastity: the ideal of the temperate, moderate indulgence in sexual pleasure, of course, within the sanctified confines of marriage.
耶魯公開(kāi)課 - 彌爾頓課程節(jié)選 - In light of all this, the one ongoing certainty is that the mortgage walkers naively sanctified by Ryan Chittum will never be the victims.
FORBES: The Ongoing, and Hideous Lie About 'Victimized' Mortgage Holders - Not by announcing that any means and any end is sanctified so long as one person who might have been killed winds up alive instead.
FORBES: Dangerous Rhetoric Damages Obama's Gun Control Proposal Package 返回 sanctified