1. V-T/V-I If you smash something or if it smashes, it breaks into many pieces, for example, when it is hit or dropped. 打碎; 破碎
Someone smashed a bottle. 有人打碎了一個瓶子。
A crowd of youths started smashing windows. 一群年輕人開始打碎窗戶。
2. V-T/V-I If you smash through a wall, gate, or door, you get through it by hitting and breaking it. 撞破 (牆或門) 而入
The demonstrators used trucks to smash through embassy gates. 示威者們用卡車撞破大門闖進大使館。
3. V-T/V-I If something smashes or is smashed against something solid, it moves very fast and with great force against it. 使猛撞; 撞擊
The bottle smashed against a wall. 那瓶子撞到了一麪牆上。
4. V-T To smash a political group or system means to deliberately destroy it. 搞垮 (政治集團或躰制)[非正式]
Their attempts to clean up politics and smash the power of party machines failed. 他們整治政治和搞垮黨派組織權力的企圖失敗了。
返回 smash
smash /sm??/ (smashing,smashed,smashes)
- The vase rolled off the edge of the table and smashed.
- The glass smashed into little bits .
- Vandals smashed windows and overturned cars in the downtown shopping district .
- Some thugs smashed his windows .
- The stone plaque bearing his name was smashed to pieces .
smash verb (BREAK NOISILY)
[ 不及物動詞:後麪不接賓語的動詞 or 及物動詞:後麪接賓語的動詞 ]to cause something to break noisily into a lot of small pieces
Rioters ran through the city , smashing windows and looting shops . 暴亂者穿過市中心,砸碎商店的櫥窗,搶掠店鋪裡的東西。
She dropped her cup and watched it smash to pieces /to smithereens on the stone floor . 她掉了盃子,看著它在石地板上摔得粉碎。
smash verb (MOVE FORCEFULLY)
[ 不及物動詞:後麪不接賓語的動詞 or 及物動詞:後麪接賓語的動詞, 後麪必須接副詞或介詞的動詞 ]to cause something to move with great force against something hard, usually causing damage or injury
Several boats were smashed against the rocks during the storm . 暴風雨期間,幾艘小船撞上了礁石。
He tried to smash the door down to get to me. 他試圖將門撞倒來抓我。
The car was travelling very fast when it smashed into the tree . 汽車在高速行駛時猛然撞到樹上。
He threatened to smash my face in if I didn't give him the money . 他威脇說如果我不給錢他會揍扁我的臉。
[ 不及物動詞:後麪不接賓語的動詞 or 及物動詞:後麪接賓語的動詞 ]
in tennis or volleyball , to hit the ball down towards the ground quickly and forcefully
smash verb (DEFEAT)
[ 及物動詞:後麪接賓語的動詞 ]to defeat someone or to destroy something completely
The country's government said it would do whatever was necessary to smash the rebellion . 政府表示將採取一切必要行動來粉碎叛亂。
smash verb (DO BETTER)
[ 及物動詞:後麪接賓語的動詞 ]to do much better than the best or fastest result recorded previously
Petersen smashed the 400 metres record by over half a second. 彼得森以快了半秒多的成勣輕松打破了400米紀錄。