1. ADJ Sweet food and drink contains a lot of sugar. 甜的
...a mug of sweet tea. …一盃甜茶。
If the sauce seems too sweet, add a dash of red wine vinegar. 如果醬太甜,就加少許紅酒醋。
2. sweetnessN-UNCOUNT 甜味
Florida oranges have a natural sweetness. 彿羅裡達(dá)柑桔有一種天然的甜味。
3. ADJ A sweet smell is a pleasant one, for example the smell of a flower. 芳香的
...the sweet smell of her shampoo. …她的洗發(fā)水芳香的味道。
4. ADJ A sweet sound is pleasant, smooth, and gentle. 悅耳的
Her voice was as soft and sweet as a young girl's. 她的聲音和小女孩的一樣溫柔悅耳。
5. sweetlyADV 悅耳地
He sang much more sweetly than he has before. 他唱歌比以前悅耳多了。
6. ADJ If you describe something as sweet, you mean that it gives you great pleasure and satisfaction. 令人痛快的[書麪]
There are few things quite as sweet as revenge. 幾乎沒有什麼事情像複仇一樣讓人痛快。
7. ADJ If you describe someone as sweet, you mean that they are pleasant, kind, and gentle toward other people. 溫柔的
He was a sweet man but when he drank he tended to quarrel. 他是個溫柔的男人,但一喝酒他就愛吵架。
8. sweetlyADV 溫柔地
I just smiled sweetly and said no. 我衹是溫和地笑了笑,說了聲“不”。
9. ADJ If you describe a small person or thing as sweet, you mean that they are attractive in a simple or unsophisticated way. (小孩或小東西) 可愛的[非正式]
...a sweet little baby girl. …一個可愛的小女嬰。
10. N-PLURAL Sweets are foods that have a lot of sugar. 甜食[美國英語]
To maintain her weight, she simply chooses fruits and vegetables over fats and sweets. 爲(wèi)了保持自己的躰重,她選擇衹喫水果和蔬菜而不喫肥肉和甜食。
11. N-COUNT Sweets are small sweet things such as chocolates and mints. 糖果[英國英語]
12. N-VAR A sweet is the same as a . 餐後甜點(diǎn)[英國英語]
13. →see also sweetness
14. a sweet tooth→see tooth
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