- One is in the twelvefold formula of dependent origination (paticca-samuppada), where the sankharas are the second link in the series.
一類是十二因緣的連鎖公式,在其中sankhara(行/造作)居系列的第二位。 - Unfortunately, ordinary people can't understand this principle, when in fact the Twelvefold Conditioned Arising tells us that, “The way we die depends on the way we live.
開始是糊塗,所以結果也糊塗;這一生糊糊塗塗的,又有一個來生,來生還是糊塗。十二因緣最初就是個糊塗,所以十二因緣就是個糊塗因緣。 - Twelvefold Conditioned Arising tells us that, "The way we die depends on the way we live."
十二因緣,就是說“我們人怎麼樣受生,怎麼樣死的這個道理”。 返回 twelvefold