1. ADJ If you describe something such as someone's record, reputation, or character as unblemished, you mean it has not been harmed or spoiled. 清白的[usu ADJ n]
...Lee's unblemished reputation as a man of honour and principle. … 李作爲(wèi)一個正直有原則的男人清白的名聲。
2. ADJ If you describe something as unblemished, you mean that it has no marks or holes on its surface. 無汙跡的; 無洞的[usu ADJ n]
Be sure to select firm, unblemished fruit. 確保選擇結(jié)實無蟲洞的水果。
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unblemished /?n?bl?m??t/
- An unblemished reputation , character , etc. has no faults and is not spoiled in any way.
For six years his championship record was unblemished. 他的冠軍紀錄有6年無任何瑕疵。 返回 unblemished