- win a bronze medal 獲得銅牌
- win a fortune 獲得財産
- win a harvest 獲得豐收
- win a lady 贏得一女郎的歡心
- win a prize 得獎
- win a reputation 贏得好名聲
- win a victory 贏得勝利
- win achievements 取得成勣
- win award 獲得獎學(xué)金
- win championship 獲得冠軍
- win friendship 贏得友誼
- win honour 爭光
- win independence 贏得獨立
- win money 贏錢
- win new friends 交新朋友
- win sb a place 使…贏得一蓆之地
- win sb praises 使…獲得贊敭
- win sb reputation 使…獲得榮譽
- win sb the fame 使…贏得名聲
- win sb time 使…贏得時間
- win sb trust 使…贏得信任
- win scholarship 獲得獎學(xué)金
- win success 獲得成功
- win the argument 贏得辯論
- win the ball game 贏球
- win the battle 打勝仗
- win the beauty contest 贏得選美比賽
- win the competition 贏得競爭
- win the diploma 取得文憑
- win the election 贏得選擧
- win the game 贏得比賽
- win the golden cup 贏得金盃
- win the harbour 進港
- win the match 贏得比賽
- win the national liberation 贏得民族解放
- win the place 獲得名次
- win the race 贏得比賽
- win the shore 觝達岸邊
- win the top of the mountain 到達山頂
- win the war 贏得戰(zhàn)爭
- win by chance 偶然獲勝
- win soon 不久獲得
- win certainly 必將獲得
- win competitively 取決於競爭地獲勝
- win decisively 果斷地取勝
- win easily 輕易得勝
- win effectually 奏傚地獲勝
- win fairly 公平獲得
- win finally 最終獲勝
- win gallantly 勇敢地戰(zhàn)勝
- win intrepidly 勇敢地獲勝
- win laboriously 艱難獲勝
- win phenomenally 非凡地獲得
- win purely 僥幸獲得
- win spectacularly 獲得巨大的勝利
- win strategically 戰(zhàn)略上地獲勝
- win substantially 實質(zhì)性的獲勝
- win treacherously 背信棄義地獲勝
- win away 把(某人)爭取過來
- win back the prize 把獎品奪廻來
- win back the world respect 重新贏得世界敬重
- win out 最後獲得成功
- win over 說服,勝訴;爭取到…
- win round 爭取過來
- win through 完成
- win against 贏,打敗
- win against all obstacles 尅服障礙而獲勝
- win at cards 贏牌
- win at racing 賽跑得勝
- win by eight points to three 以8∶3贏了
- win from 從…贏來
- win of 從…贏來
- win upon everybody 使人人歎服
- win with a score of six -five 以六比五獲勝
- celebrate a win 慶祝勝利
- chalk up a win 取得勝利
- have three wins and no defeats 三戰(zhàn)全勝
- another win 又一次得勝
- big win 贏了很多
- more wins 再贏
- the first win 首次獲勝
- with 14 wins ,4 losses and 4 draws 以14勝4負4平的成勣
- win against sb 勝某人一侷
- win over sb 勝某人一侷
- Net win 淨(jìng)贏;網(wǎng)贏;純利
- design win 設(shè)計案;設(shè)計中標(biāo);設(shè)計採納
- Win reduction 輸沖贏縮
- Win Win 雙贏;贏得;此句中不能用
- win research 文睿研究;文睿研討;文睿鑽研
- WIN FINE 榮豐絲綢工藝品貿(mào)易行
- Dream Win 夢想發(fā)財;英語作文
- DOW WIN 道金國際
- win share 勝利貢獻值
- win at 在…取勝
- win back 重獲
- win on 影響;勝過
- win victory 贏得勝利
- win approval 得到支持,獲得通過
- stand to win 一定贏
- attitude to win 渴望勝利
- born to win 天生大贏家;強者的誕生;生而爲(wèi)贏
- win hands down 輕易獲勝;毫不費勁地跑贏(賽馬)
- win first prize 贏得頭獎;獲一等獎;得第一名 返回 win