yellow jasmine
- And there was a sparkle of yellow jasmine by the door; the closed door. But no sound; no smoke from the chimney; no dog barking.
在那關閉著的門邊,有些素馨花在閃著黃色的光煇。但是闐寂無聲。菸囪裡不冒菸,也沒有狗吠聲。 - The white magnolia was just beginning to fade but the yellow jasmine was at its best. The Tianchi Lake southwest of Kunming is deep, but the spell cast by spring here is far deeper.
白玉蘭花略微有點兒殘,嬌黃的迎春卻正儅時,那一片春色啊,比起滇池的水來不知還要深多少倍。 究其實這還不是最深的春色。 - Jasminum mesnyi [yellow jasmine]
黃素馨 - The yellow Jessamine bloomed late and covered the fences and filled the clearing with its sweetness.
黃色的茉莉花遲遲地開了,鋪滿了柵欄,用芳香填滿了那片空曠。 - yellow jessamine